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You know how to diet.
But, do you know how to lose weight permanently?
Durable weight loss isn’t a diet.
Take a moment to learn some essential truths about weight loss.
“Joy truly is possible in this journey. I absolutely did not believe it before this program. I thought weight loss was a punishment for overindulgence.” – D.D.
You know how to diet.
But, do you know how to lose weight permanently?

We teach you how to achieve and keep a healthy weight
Diets trap you in cycles of weight gain. Take a moment to learn some essential truths about weight loss.
I’m not counting down the days until the ‘diet’ is over; I’m building a new forever – Jennifer K.
Ask yourself,
what have the diets you’ve done added up to?
Expensive? Yes. Effective? No. Wasted time? For sure.
- Heal your relationship with your body and learn to use your natural hunger
- End the cycles of weight gain and loss
- Eliminate the confusion over achieving and keeping a healthy weight
You can lose weight for good even if your weight has been a lifelong struggle.

90% regain their lost weight
learn what the 10% know
Time = Your Life
I ran into a neighbor who I haven’t seen in a few months. She mentioned how terrific I looked and she said, “it’s not just that you’ve lost weight, it’s the whole way you’re moving in your body.” Reestablishing a movement practice and realigning my relationship with food has improved every aspect of my life. I feel it, and apparently it shows. — Christi D.
For the first time in my life, I’ve actually reached a weight goal. I can attribute that to Rebecca’s ideas on how to get healthy in a thoughtful manner—and in a way that actually works. — Jan C.
Rebecca’s original series and NBC News features
not another diet
Writing was the first step in articulating my process.
“Ten years ago, I set about tackling a long out of reach goal. In the course of a year, I lost 50 pounds. I’ve now maintained this loss for over a decade. Less than 10% of dieters accomplish this goal past the five-year mark.”
This program has been a decade in the making because it took that long for me to carefully detail every aspect of what led to my on-going success.

NBC News ‘Better’ Column: The daily practice that helped this woman lose 50 pounds (and keep it off)
A journalist contacted me about my series on Medium, and the next thing I knew, it was a national spotlight.
“Willpower didn’t work so Rebecca Thomas set up a system of routines that helped her lose weight — and keep it off — for eight years and counting.”

‘I started small’: How walking every day helped this woman lose 50 pounds
NBC’s audience responded so well to my first piece, they came back and did a second one.
“I was never really an athletic person, but I had this self-concept that was just wrong,” she says, “which is that there are athletic people who can do things and then there’s you, and just because I’m not a competitive athlete does not mean that I can’t be athletic.”