What this is:
A program of self-discovery and weight mastery.
How this happens
You’ll be guided through 9+ weeks of carefully designed lessons and exercises with access to a supportive forum, weekly group coaching, and full email support.
What you get
The freedom to confidently move forward with your life knowing how to attain and keep a healthy weight.
How is this program different?
- It’s built to teach what you really need to learn. It’s NOT couched in diet language to sell you a product. What that means is that after years of struggle and now, years of success, I identified all the parts you need to find lasting success.
- It’s specific for web-based learning because, in order for changes to be stable, buildable, and enduring, they have to happen inside your life. You learn in your home, in your day-to-day, in your body, and in your relationships. This is a grounding approach because that’s what’s necessary for long-term success.
- This program was developed by someone who has done the journey. Not a weight loss doctor who can’t wait to write you a prescription. Or a fitness entrepreneur imagining what you might need. A real person who did it and kept the weight off.
What do I get?
Freedom from weight anxiety. Contemplate that before you read on.
The nuts and bolts:
- A 9-week series carefully designed to address all the aspects of your life, thinking, and habits that no diet or trainer ever could
- Access to a community forum to discuss issues with other members, share successes, and get help with challenges
- Weekly group Zooms that focus on questions and various topics
- Email support for quick answers and technical issues
What you really get: clarity about what works and a system you can rely on indefinitely to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Why should I invest in this process?
So you can stop wondering and searching. There is intense confusion around achieving and keeping a healthy weight. Much of that has to do with the incessant swirl of terrible information out there. Part of what happens through this process is de-programing.
So you can live in peace. You’ll walk away with clarity about what it means to nourish yourself, how to create a movement practice that creates real fitness gains without hurting yourself, and how to tap into emotional regulation so you can ask for what you need. It may sound old-fashioned, but it works.
So you can get on with your life. Spending your life worrying about your weight is no way to live. But, you knew that.
Why are you suited to help me, Rebecca?
I’ve spent years patiently documenting what’s worked and what hasn’t. I waited five years into successfully keeping it off before I started writing my series because I wanted to be certain I had something truly helpful to offer. During that time I made a careful study of my own success and identified the key changes that needed to be made. I’ve spent countless hours quantifying all that I’ve learned into a series of principles and now, this weight loss course.
Is there an eating plan?
You don’t need an eating plan, you need a way of eating rooted in simplicity. We certainly address food in the course in all sorts of ways, but no one, including me, can hand you one you’ll follow the rest of your life.
The question itself reveals how deeply we’ve inhaled what mass-produced diets sell. Eating healthfully isn’t complicated, navigating a world full of obesogenic food is.
I teach you how.
How do I know this program is a good fit for me?
If you are at the point in your life where you are ready to accept that commercial diets, fitness gadgets, apps, and regimented programs aren’t a lasting solution for weight loss, you’re ready.
If you’re sad over the wasted time spent struggling with your weight. If you’re aware that what you’ve done in the past has been a series of piecemeal efforts. If you’re tired of lurching from one bad idea to another. If you’re ready to acknowledge that you need a holistic solution but don’t know how to make that happen, you’re a good fit.
What you need to bring to this program are optimism, time, and the willingness to do what is asked. Changing your life is effortful but also joyful.
Couldn't I just hire a trainer or nutritionist?
You’ll notice that the focus of this question is again on food and movement, neither of which are as complicated as they’ve been made out to be.
What this program does is the difficult part: it helps you create a structure inside your life that makes the result of a healthy weight a natural outcome.
What do you mean by permanent weight loss?
What that means in the context of not another diet is to build a system that provides daily support for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. It does not mean some sort of miracle solution that prevents you from ever gaining weight again. If anyone tries to offer you that, run.
If you deviate from the life/system/tools you build for yourself, you could regain the weight. The same is true for me. Thankfully, what I have feels so organic and workable I’ve used it for ten years and counting.
Is this program only for people with a lot of weight to lose?
Not at all. It’s for anyone who struggles to maintain a healthy weight.
It could be that you’re constantly battling the same 10 or 20 pounds, or that you’ve slowly gained 50 and it’s now intolerable. As I speak about in my introductory video, these are not different problems.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
My best advice is to read everything I’ve offered, watch the videos, book a call with me, and proceed when you feel a visceral yes.
Why can't I just read your series and do it on my own?
You can. If reading were enough to tackle this issue, you wouldn’t be here. You may find, as others have, that while you understand the concepts I’ve laid out you still have trouble realizing them.
This course is more comprehensive than my writing series. It’s designed to guide you through all the changes in thinking in the order that’s most effective. There are exercises to make it durable, group call support, and a deeper exploration of key subjects.
The goal is for you to leave the program with the system you need for lasting weight loss.